5. April 2020
Dear supporters of WeAreInThisTogether!
is so great that we are already nearly 15.000 who have signed our
Italian-German call for European solidarity! Thank you that you have
supported our appeal. This shows that reason and humanity is much
stronger than many want to make us believe. We neither believe those who
plead for short sighted financial egoism in Germany nor in the populist
claim that Europe is the reason for evils in Italy. In the end we will
all be better off if we get through this crisis together!
Therefore, we ask you: Spread the word by calling on your friends and followers on social media and via email to co-sign the appeal. Let them know that you signed and ask them to join you by spreading the link to our website:
Our call for common health bonds has found a lot of support in the media. This shows: the effort is worth it!
Next week the Eurogroup and the European Council will hopefully take first decisions. We will inform you about this soon.
With warm european greetings,
Alexandra Geese, Franziska Brantner & Sven Giegold
Press review: A collection of articles in the media you find here
I2) Il Fatto Quotidiano: https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2020/04/02/ue-appello-congiunto-di-economisti-e-intellettuali-italiani-e-tedeschi-da-giovannini-a-monti-coronabond-e-linea-di-credito-sanitaria-del-mes/5757627/
I3) La Repubblica: https://www.repubblica.it/politica/2020/04/02/news/coronabond_appello_italo-tedesco_a_merkel_e_conte-252929398/
I4) Radio Radicale: https://www.radioradicale.it/scheda/602377/coronaviirus-appello-italotedesco-di-solidarieta-intervista-ad-alexandra-geese
I6) Europa.today: https://europa.today.it/attualita/coronavirus-italia-germania-eurobond-sanita.html
I8) Geosnews (e Frosinone Magazine): https://it.geosnews.com/p/it/lazio/fr/coronavirus-verdi-sosteniamo-appello-italo-tedesco-su-coronabond_28771258
I9) Finanza.com: https://www.finanza.com/Finanza/Notizie_Italia/Italia/notizia/Si_ai_coronabond_la_carica_italotedesca_contro_il_virus_de-518714
I10) voxEurop: https://voxeurop.eu/it/2020/appello-italo-tedesco-all-ue-e-agli-stati-membri-5124541
I11) Corrierecomunicazioni.it: https://www.corrierecomunicazioni.it/digital-economy/von-der-leyen-bilancio-ue-sara-nostro-piano-marshall-priorita-al-digitale/
I12) Business24TV: https://www.business24tv.it/leuropa-finalmente-unita-le-scuse-di-ursula-von-der-leyen-allitalia
E1) Agence Europe: https://agenceurope.eu/en/bulletin/article/12460/22
D1) Frankfurter Rundschau: https://www.fr.de/meinung/coronavirus-europaeische-solidaritaet-jetzt-13636847.html
D2) Regiotrends: https://www.regiotrends.de/de/regiomix/index.news.428526.bruecken-bauen---deutsch-italienischer-aufruf-zu-europaeischer-solidaritaet.html
D5) Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, AFP and many others but not available online